Climate change is arguably one of the defining challenges of our time. Certainly, in the displacement affected area in which CoDHNet works, climate change and environmental degradation not only potentially accelerate localized conflict over natural resources, but also deepen vulnerabilities as livelihoods or living conditions erode. Climate change and environmental degradation can be threat multipliers as climate-related risks may exacerbate conflict dynamics and increase the impact of other drivers of conflict and fragility.

CoDHNet is a Climate Charter Signatory, demonstrating its commitment to integrating climate action and environmental sustainability into humanitarian work. The Climate and Environment Charter for Humanitarian Organizations recognizes the urgent need to address climate change as a humanitarian crisis and promotes collective action to build resilience, reduce environmental impact, and support climate adaptation efforts.

CoDHNet’s Climate Change and Environment Goal focuses on promoting environmental sustainability, resilience, and adaptation strategies to mitigate the effects of climate change, particularly in vulnerable communities.

To enhance climate resilience and environmental sustainability through community-driven adaptation and mitigation strategies that promote sustainable livelihoods and ecosystem restoration.

  1. Climate Adaptation & Resilience Building
    • Promote climate-smart agriculture to enhance food security.
    • Strengthen community-based Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) strategies.
    • Support livelihood diversification to reduce climate vulnerability.
  1. Environmental Protection & Ecosystem Restoration
    • Implement reforestation and afforestation programs to combat desertification.
    • Promote sustainable land and water management practices.
    • Encourage the use of renewable energy and eco-friendly alternatives.
  1. Advocacy & Community Engagement
    • Raise awareness on climate change impacts and solutions.
    • Engage policymakers and stakeholders in environmental governance.
    • Integrate youth and women in climate action initiatives.
  1. Disaster Preparedness & Emergency Response
    • Enhance early warning systems and climate risk assessments.
    • Strengthen community preparedness for climate-related disasters.
    • Provide rapid response support to communities affected by extreme weather events.

CoDHNet is a Climate Charter Signatory, demonstrating its commitment to integrating climate action and environmental sustainability into humanitarian work. The Climate and Environment Charter for Humanitarian Organizations recognizes the urgent need to address climate change as a humanitarian crisis and promotes collective action to build resilience, reduce environmental impact, and support climate adaptation efforts.

An Innovative energy, environmental and climate change programs.

To address the acute need for more sustainable and accessible energy source is underlining the importance of addressing displacement in the context of climate change as we work to ensure protection of forcibly displaced people.

Addressing climate change through innovative programs CoDHNet will focus the following areas: – 1) Clean cooking solution; 2) Energy efficiency; 3) Energy conservation; 4) Environmental social impact assessments; 5) Climate smart Agriculture; and 6) Home solar system for school going children.  

The above innovative programs addresses two sites of the same scenario a) the need for forest conservation and b) the need for energy sources.

In Somalia, pastoralists are grappling with frequent and severe droughts, affecting their herds and their livelihoods. Large numbers of livestock in this area have died, putting more pressure on an already weak economy. Climate change and resource scarcity are exacerbated by a lack of policies on land-use and disaster risk management at the national level. Through CoDHNet framework is underlining the importance of addressing displacement in the context of climate change as we work to ensure protection of forcibly displaced people.

As a Climate Charter Signatory, CoDHNet integrates climate resilience into humanitarian programs, ensuring sustainable and adaptive solutions for vulnerable communities.

Key Climate-Related Interventions

🌱 Climate-Smart Agriculture

  • Training farmers on drought-resistant crops and multi-story gardening (MSG).
  • Supporting agroforestry and sustainable irrigation techniques.

💧 Water Resource Management

  • Expanding rainwater harvesting and rehabilitating boreholes.
  • Promoting efficient water use in drought-prone areas.

⚠️ Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR)

  • Strengthening early warning systems and community preparedness.
  • Training communities in climate adaptation strategies.

🌍 Environmental Protection & Tree Planting

  • Conducting mass tree-planting initiatives to combat deforestation and desertification.
  • Distributing 1,000+ fruit and shade trees to schools, health facilities, and public spaces.
  • Promoting community-led reforestation and land restoration efforts.

🔋 Renewable Energy Solutions

  • Integrating solar-powered water systems and energy-efficient cooking solutions.
  • Reducing carbon footprint in humanitarian operations.

🤝 Climate Advocacy & Partnerships

  • Collaborating with governments, UN agencies, and climate networks.
  • Engaging in global and regional climate adaptation forums.
  1. Humanitarian Advocacy:
    • Advocate for increased funding to address water scarcity, food insecurity, and displacement in Somalia and Kenya.
    • Raise awareness on the importance of inclusive education, particularly for children with disabilities.
  2. Climate Resilience Research:
    • Investigate the long-term impacts of climate change on livelihoods in arid and semi-arid regions.
    • Publish policy briefs to guide disaster risk reduction and resilience-building efforts.
  3. Social Accountability:
    • Support communities in monitoring the implementation of government and donor-funded projects to ensure accountability and transparency.
    • Facilitate public forums to discuss service delivery challenges and solutions.

As CoDHNet we are taking climate and environmental actions within the three core pillars of our Climate and Environmental Framework:

  • Adaptation in Programmatic Response;
  • Mitigating CoDHNet’s Environmental and Climate Footprint, and
  • Advocacy for Displaced persons in the Context of Climate Change.

Therefore, these three pillars shape are based to our response to the climate and environment crises and their interaction with forced displacement.

Furthermore, resilience to climate shocks, environmental degradation and displacement is often very low in fragile and conflict-affected contexts and disproportionately affects the world’s most vulnerable.

In this context, the relationship between climate change, conflict, poverty and persecution greatly increases the complexity of humanitarian crises, refugee emergencies, as well as protracted displacement situations. In effect, the climate lens is becoming increasingly important for a humanitarian organization like CoDHNet. Therefore, CoDHNet has committed to act and address the protection needs of forced migrants, including the internally displaced persons, victims of trafficking, stateless persons and other persons of concern.

  • Partner with Us: Collaborate on advocacy campaigns and research projects to amplify impact.
  • Volunteer: Contribute your expertise to research or community mobilization efforts.
  • Donate: Support initiatives that promote evidence-based solutions and inclusive policies.

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