Education Programme

Education and Vocational Skills Training:

Community Development and Humanitarian Network (CoDHNet) believes that promoting education is one of the most important means to overcome and fight ignorance and poverty, with this in mind, Our education projects covers a range of activities, including basic literacy and life skills through both formal and non-formal systems, education grants and fee support, teacher training support, distribution of school learning materials, construction and rehabilitation of school infrastructures as well as support to school feeding programs.

We are dedicated to improving access to quality education, particularly in crisis-affected areas. Our education initiatives focus on training teachers, providing learning materials, and ensuring that marginalized children, including those with disabilities, have equal access to education.

CoDHNet Organization continues to renovate old and abandoned schools, build new schools and operate and manage schools, cultural centers and institutions. Because of our work, tens of thousands of children are able to attend these schools in various regions of Somalia. 

With the awareness that Education is the utmost tool to fight against ignorance, economic backwardness  and social issues. While at the same time enhancing capacity building and producing qualified human resources. Community Development and Humanitarian Network (CoDHNet)  cooperates with the target communities in the building of schools, Educational and cultural centers and institution. Already CoDHNet succeeded to build a number of schools and Educational institutions in the various provinces of Somalia.

Objectives formal and non-formal in Education:

Improving access to basic Education:

Advocacy and capacity Building programme :

School Feeding Program (SFP):

Vocational Skills Training Program (Courses): 

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