
Organizational Management & Governance

CoDHNet has an established Board of Trustees for effective oversight and policy direction of the organization as well as overall responsibilities for ensuring accountability, credibility, sustainability and representation. The CoDHNet is an NGO lead women organization and currently has Six (6) Board members 4 women and 2 men with varied professional backgrounds and representing diverse interests such as gender, geographical and special interest group representation. The board also have a number of expert committees such as finance and programs that undertake various specialized roles. In order to effectively direct the affairs of the organization, the board meets at least four times annually.

The day to day management affairs of CoDHNet are overseen by a management team whose membership comprises the Executive Director (ED), Programs Coordinator, Finance Officer and Program/Departmental Heads. The team has the option of co-opting other members if necessary. The role of the Management team include amongst others to: –
  1. Study social problems affecting communities living within the project areas and design appropriate development programs to address identified needs.
  2. Oversee the planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of program activities and the preparation of relevant reports or document for the Board and Donors.
  3. Coordinate the preparation of strategic and or annual plans.
  4. Oversee the care for and management of CoDHNet resources.
  5. Ensure sufficient internal organisational management practice and capacity
  6. Harmonize/coordinate development activities in the field to ensure set results are met
  7. Advice the director and or board on policy formulation and or implementation.
CoDHNet Vision Consultancy, we conduct all types of empirical and evidence based research. For example, we have the capacity to conduct baseline surveys and off all data-related services such as collection, processing and analysis. We have skilled and professional enumerators who can collect data.
Regarding the recurrent natural & other manmade disasters; CoDHNet shall pursue a disaster risk reduction and drought cycle management approaches. This way, relevant emergency relief activities will be included in the respective the above program areas. Issues related to the environment, gender and HIV/AIDS will be mainstreamed in all focus areas.

NB: These areas of focus shall be reviewed from time to time e.g. during the strategic planning sessions to ensure their relevance to the operational contexts.

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