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Asset Creation and Livelihood

Historical, cultural, and current economic circumstances place severe constraints on youth employment. The effects of decades of instability remain evident in the economy and in the skills shortage among youths. The critical importance of personal connections remains a barrier to disadvantaged youths. Constraints to entrepreneurship are presented by lack of capital and financial access.

Job creation and Livelihood sector

In livelihoods, Despite these substantial challenges, opportunities exist to improve the relevance skills in labour market. Greater engagement with the business community in the design of skill training programs and through apprenticeships and mentorships are methods through which the skill training could help their graduates achieve better employment outcomes. Cooperatives are ways in which the obstacles to entrepreneurship and self-employment, primarily the lack of economic as well as social capital, may be overcome. The viability of cooperatives can be improved through support services such as mentorships and by linking cooperatives to financial services. 

Community Development and Humanitarian Network (CoDHNet) empowers people to overcome poverty by helping them to increase the production capacity of the farmers, have access to food supply, improve access to water, generate more income to spend on the basic needs and most of all reduce vulnerability to droughts and conflicts. CoDHNet has been able to reach more people over the year in helping the communities to build their own capacity to respond to crises. CoDHNet frequently intervene in rural areas especially Gedo and Lower shabelle where agriculture is a key economic sector. To improve livelihoods, income and food security of communities in Somalia, CoDHNet assists them with a broad range of activities.

Vocation Skills training Support

As CoDHNet, Our activities include providng startup tool kits and usually accompany with trainings on modern viocational skills courses and farming techniques. This has enabled the communities to become more self-sufficient through productive farming and empolyement opportunity. CoDHNet carries out trainings on Carpentry, pulumbing, beuaty salon, tie and dye, basic electricity installation, mobile repair, poultry farming and Multy-Sory gardens/Kitchen Gardening skills. CoDHNet has been over the years working closely with the farmer organizations in Jubbaland, Banadir and Hir Shabelle.

Job creation Activities

CoDHNet implements income generating activities that act as both short term and long term programmes. This is through vocational skills training courses in the community. The community members usually contribute to the work by providing labour which earns them income. These programmes closely involve communities through the establishment of community committees who are involved in the job placement.


In emergency contexts, CoDHNet livelihoods programmes are primarily intended to save lives and protect livelihoods. This is done by providing essential commodities such as food and water for their survival. CoDHNet carries out programmes like provision of unconditional relief to the most vulnerable mostly targeting the elderly, ailing people and lactating women who cannot work. CoDHNet also runs programmes like water trucking and basic food commodities distribution.